26 Jul 2023
Ugly Me: My Life with Body Dysmorphia
In my researching of «a href=”/body-dysmorphic-disorder” title=”Body Dysmorphic Disorder”>Body Dysmorphic Disorder</a>, I found reference to a BBC documentary called “Ugly Me”. I googled it and found the resource embedded below.
This documentary follows the life of Liane and also includes short commentary by others living with BDD about their own struggles. The video is powerful and raw and, if someone you love suffers with BDD, it provides insights into this disorder and those struggling with it - please watch for those you love. It is difficult not feel empathy for those living every day with such vocal internal critics.
Ugly Me: My Life with Body Dysmorphia from Marina Parker on Vimeo.
Gerald Tūruapō Jordan, MBA , MEd , MCouns
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