17 Jul 2023
Exposure Therapy
Exposure therapy is part of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and involves gradually exposing oneself to the things of which you are afraid, as a way to show yourself that the results are not as bad as you fear they would be.
Alex has Body Dysmorphic Disorder and his emphasis has been what he perceived to be the odd shape of his head. There were secondary focuses, too, but this was his main concern. Alex hid behind long hair for many years, until he decided to shave his head and show it to the world. Alex says that this has empowered him and helped to free him from his major struggles with BDD.
While many would not be able to so openly defy their fears, this podcast gives an insight into how Alex has used exposure to his fears as as way to overcome them.
Gerald Tūruapō Jordan, MBA , MEd , MCouns
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