Category: Urbit ID

  • ~digsev-hocfex

    I have been trying to imagine my future uses of Urbit. I have been working online for a long time and one of the cardinal rules I have is a separation between my personal and professional environments. It can become too easy to just work all of the time online – I know this as…

  • Urbit Bridge

    The bridge is the way for you to activate your Urbit planet. You have bought an Urbit planet and you can see the NFT in your wallet, but what now? You need to produce a cryptographic key that you use when you install Urbit on your computer. With this key, you are identified as the…

  • Urbit IDs

    An Urbit ID is a decentralised addressing and public key infrastructure for the Urbit operating system. Addresses are connected to NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain and these IDs are all composed of four syllables, such as ~digsev-hocfex. You are able to search for a user within Urbit using their ID and attempt to interact with…

  • Urbit ID versus domains

    I have been in Urbit less than a week. There are many things that impress me so far – I will discuss further here – but one of the initial benefits is no more paying annual fees for a domain. Yes, I will have a few domains to continue leasing, such as this one, for…